I've described recently OOo's nasty pagination problem when exporting to
a PDF when dealing with large documents (>200 pages). Why OOo finds it
necessary to repaginate a paginated document when creating a PDF I have
no idea. I tried everything I could think of within OOo (trying the
Tools Update menu in various ways) but nothing prevents OOo from
screwing up all the indexes (like the Table of Contents) once it changes
the total no. of pages by inserting blank pages willy nilly.

My work-around to this frustrating problem (which if not solved makes
OOo useless, at least for large documents) was to print the document to
a (Postscript) file. Then I used ps2pdf to convert to a pdf. I was sure
ps2pdf would choke but it didn't. It also did not find the need to
insert random blank pages. It appears to keep the pagination the same
and all the references in the Table of Contents (Figures, Tables, etc.)
all match up with the actual page numbers.

Fortunately the Unix approach of allowing for multiple ways of doing
things saves the day. After investing months of work in creating this
document I was at my wits end trying to produce a useable pdf document.

Rick B.

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