On Thursday 21 December 2006 20:56, Larry wrote (regarding Re: [users] Re: 
Finding Several Numbers in Calc (was Re: [users] [moderated] YOU MUST GIVE A 
> Sorry to keep 'pestering' you Harold, you seem to be the only person who
> has a grasp of my concern.  I am using version 2.0.4 of OO on Windows XP. I
> guess the best way to explain my problem is to show you my spreadsheet.
> 579374448
> 2416253949
> 81524303132
> 1713273237
> That example is just 4 rows of approximately  50.  When I enter (try) any
> of your suggestions into the "find", the result is a hi-lite of only one
> number Say for example I need to find the numbers 8, 15, 16, 25, 32 and 49.
> I can search for 8, then search for 15, then 16, etc., one at a time which
> is time consuming, I would like "find" to hi-lite all six numbers all at
> once, like this:
>   579374448
> 2416253949
> 81524303132
> 1713273237
> Oh and yes, the numbers are all whole numbers, they are not formulas or the
> results of formulas.
> Thanks again and I really do appreciate you assistance
> Larry,
> Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Hi Larry, 

Let me take a stab at this problem.... If I understand you, you have the 
numbers as mentioned above in ONE column, and you want to search for (say), 
949 and (say) 3132.  There could be other criteria for the search as well, 
but the logic is the same, and extensible.

*  Open the Find and Replace box (edit > Find and replace, or Cntl-F)
*  Click the "more options" to drop down the more options
*  Click the check box next to Regular Expressions
*  In the combo box for "Search In", choose "Values"
*  In the Search Direction, choose "Columns" radio button
*  Right at the top of the dialog, type in, WITHOUT the double quotes, the 
   following: "949|3132".
*  Hit "find all"

On the spreadsheet, you will see the two cells that contain these values 
highlighted (namely 2416253949 and 81524303132)
For each additional "search pattern" you require, add it to the existing 
search, with a "|" preceding it.

This works even for values calculated by formulation (this is in answer to 
another poster asking this question, as an offshoot of your original 
qustion), but then, you need to choose "Values" in the "Search In" combo box.

Now, if you want to search for a digit (or more than one digit) ONLY at the 
start of the number, precede the digit (or the digit sequence) with a "^" 
(without the quotes, of course), and if you want to search for something 
similar ONLY at the end of the number, put a "$" at the end of the search 
string.  There is more, and if you require more info, email me off list.

Hope that this helps - do note I am on OOo 2.0.2 on FC 5, build 2.6.18-1.2254, 
and your milage may vary on other versions of OOo on other platforms.

Pradeep Srinivas
Bangalore, India.

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