On Friday 12 January 2007 1:36 am, ERP Support wrote:
>  Dear Openoffice user group,
>  First of all, I would like to thank you helping out such a
>  wonderful product to be free. My name is Kamal and I am system
>  administrator Checkmate services India.
>  I have removed MS - Office and tried for Open office. I am facing
>  lot of problems related to Recovery, some time data loss and
>  Crashing. I have tried Office 2.1.0 but its the same. Can you
>  please guide me what's wrong I am doing. I have also installed JRE
>  in all the machines.
> I have also found that .bin files are having multiple instances. I
> have to close them all frequently and then only office starts to
> run.
> If the file size increases more then 1 MB then crashing
>  possibilites are also increases.
>  I am keenly waiting for some guidance,
> Thanking you,
>  Kamal.

     It would be helpful if we know what operating system you are 
using. By mentioning *.bin files, it might be Linux. We need to know 
for sure. How much memory does your computer have? What is your 
processor speed? (CPU speed) Do you have the AutoRecovery set in 
Tools > Options > Load/Save > General? If so, how many minutes between 


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