On Mon, 22 Jan 2007 15:47:03 +1100
Russell Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> > I also tried setting the style to Text Body and then modifying the
> > settings for Text Body, but this has no effect. I did the same for the
> > Default style, but again without any success.
> > 
> > I hope someone can tell me how to fix this, because it's driving me
> > nuts!

> Secret is to set up a document as you want, File-Template-Save, say as
> "default". _Then_  File-Template-Organize and set that template as your
> default.
> Found in Help under "Default Templates"

Thanks for the suggestions -- now I have at least figured out how to
get the proper font and paragraph settings to appear in a new document.
However, the tab settings insist on resetting themselves to 57.6 points.

Here is what I have done:

I created a new document called jjj_default. I set the document to a
particular font and point size. I also set the Default style itself to
the same font and point size. And I changed the Text Body style to the
same. And for the document and for the two styles I set in the Tabs tab
"delete all." Then I went into Tools > Options and set the default tab
position to 21.6 points. I tested the tabs and they tabbed to 21.6
points. Then I deleted the tabs I had entered (as a test), saved the
file as a template and closed it.

Finally, I opened File > Templates > Organize, found jjj_default.ott,
selected it, right clicked on it, and then on Set as Default Template,
and also on Reset Default Template - Text Document, and I closed the

Then I closed jjj_default.ott and opened a new, blank text document.
The default tab settings were 57.6 points.

What am I doing wrong?

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