On 2/14/07, Richard Detwiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michele Zarri wrote:
>> Hello,
>> A question asked on the Italian mailing list:
>> OS: WindowsXP
>> 1. Change the default basic fonts in the Writer options (say, default
>> = Arial 10)
>> 2. Create a new document from within OOo File > New > Text document
>> and as expected the font of the default style is Arial 10pt
>> 3. Now create a new document from the shell (e.g. open the windows
>> explorer go to a folder and select File > New > OpenDocument Text).
>> 4. Open the document created at step 3 and ...
>> The font of the default style is back to Times New Roman 12pt
>> Question: can you enforce the basic font settings also for documents
>> created from the shell or is this a bug?
>> [Question2: in case this is a bug, can someone try if it happens also in
>> linux?]
>> Regards,
>> Michele
> Hi Michele
> What you need is to set up your desired styles in a default template.
> This is explained quite well in the Online Help.
> Russell

Russell, I think you misunderstand a couple of things. First of all, as
I read it, Michele is passing along a problem reported by someone on the
Italian list, it's not an issue she is specifically wrestling with.

Second, she's pointing out an issue of unexpected behavior in terms of
the default Writer template. It would seem that changing the default
Writer font should change the font used in the default template, and it
does, but only when creating a document from within OOo, using File >
New > Text document.

Using another path to create a new Writer document, specifically going
into Windows Explorer and selecting File > New > OpenDocument Text,
gives a blank document that does not use the default Writer font.

I've learned something else about this situation. I've set up a custom
template to be used as my default Writer template. (Nothing fancy, it
just has the font that I want, which is different from the default
Writer font.) So of course, when I create a new Writer document from
within OOo, I get this template. However, I just tried creating a new
document from Windows Explorer, by selecting File > New > OpenDocument
Text. When I open this newly created document, I find that it is not my
default template.

I would say that this appears to be an issue. It's not a big one to me,
because I never use the Windows Explorer method of creating a new
document. In fact, I didn't even know that option existed until now.

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Hello Richard,

Thanks for translating the problem into English :-)
I was also unaware of the possibility of creating .odt directly from the shell.

@Russel: I did try to create a default template, but still no avail.
Creating a document from the shell must be using some kind of
hard-coded template. Actually this has brought up a separate issue
which I will describe in a new email thread.



oh.. BTW... Michele is actually a masculine name in Italian (and I am
afraid that with this revelation the response rate to my questions
will drop dramatically ;-) )

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