2007/2/20, Bruce Hildebrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

What version of mac do you need to run the program?

Hello Bruce
OpenOffice.org runs on Mac OSX 10.3 (Panther) and 10.4 (Tiger), Power PC as
well as Intel Macs.
The latest version is 2.1. The 'legacy' version 1.1.5 runs on Jaguar (10.2),
but it will be better to upgrade your OS.
For the time being, you still need to install the X11 windowing program, but
a native Aqua version is underway (still 10 major issues to be solved...).
All useful information about installing X11 and OpenOffice.org and
documentation about the program is to be found at
If you still have questions after reading the How-To's, feel free to post
them to this list, where volunteers/users try to help each other out.
Good luck
using dutch OOo 2.1 RC 2 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and dutch OOo 2.1 RC 1 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
-- please reply only to users@openoffice.org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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