On 11/04/07, Ron Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dotan Cohen wrote:
> It seems that a lot of Windows users think that OOo is writing free
> alternatives to all MS software. These people don't understand that
> Office is not part of Windows.
> Dotan Cohen
> http://lyricslist.com/lyrics/artist_albums/635/white_zombie.html
> http://what-is-what.com/what_is/malware.html

Are you sure you are not allowing your Windows predudices to extend to its
users. It seems to me that they probably do understand (as most are *not*
stupid) but are looking for an integrated system.

It may be that technically this may not be the best or even the only system
but it is probably what they are used to.

BTW I have no axe to grind as I have never used MS Office/Outlook etc.

Ron Ferguson

I've no prejudice against Windows. I personally do not use it because
I find it unintuitive, unconfigurable, unsafe, resource hungry, and
the applications that I like are not available for it. But for those
who are used to it and are not concerned by the security issues, then
all the more power to them. I've no axe to grind as I left MS software
before I got burned.

I stand by my opinion based upon the types of requests for an email
client. Many of the requests ask about an outlook replacement as if it
were a given, others ask when OOo plans to release one (not _if_ OOo
plans to release one). Maybe there is a general perception that an
office suit must always include an email client, just as it must
include a spreadsheet app and a word processor.

Dotan Cohen


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