Phoenix Services Cleaning Inc. wrote:
SOTL wrote:
On Thursday 26 April 2007 22:07, John W. Kennedy wrote:
John Boyle wrote:
To users: Due to IBM's abominable betrayal of those in the open software
community, I hope they lose BIG !!!
Ummm.... Let's see.... You hope that the court rules that Linux is a
ripoff of SCO's property, that everyone who has ever used Linux has to
pay damages, and that, by the way, the GPL isn't legally binding?

I don't believe you've quite thought this through.

I would normally assume that the pro SCO idiot was simply an SCO troll but in this case my assumption is that he really is that stupid.

The really sad part is that if the damn fool had bother to read the listing posting he would have discovered what the law in the US really is in relation to patents and if he had bother to Even read the first article on Groklaw he would know how stupid he sounds.

There is no help those who wish to remain ignorant fools.

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Not having followed this from day one, and not having been previously interested
can someone explain (lay terms please) just what this means for us?

Well, the most direct attack was they tried to claim GPL was unconstitutional. Beyond that they've laid claim to all of Linux, C++ and just about anything else that has in one way or another touched Unix. As IBM pointed out, to follow SCO's claim, since TCP/IP was originally built on Unix, devices that use TCP/IP, such as the Blackberry, automatically infringe on SCO's intellectual property. Browse through Groklaw sometime. There's plenty of evidence to show how detached from reality SCO is.

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