On 20 May 2007 at 16:43, Dan Lewis wrote:
>       If you were frustrated because something was not working the way 
> you thought it should, would you want to "cross a couple of rivers 
> before you got a cup of water"? Granted, there are some who are not 
> willing to try to find an answer. But what about those who have tried 
> and could not find what they thought they needed?

I see where you're coming from, but I have to say the noise:information 
ratio here is incredibly high, and getting worse.

Maybe a tip from the TfL 'oystercard' website could be considered. They 
have a general 'ask us a question' facility(*); but having typed in the 
question and hit 'submit', it searches an FAQ /first/, gives a short-
list of likely topics, and asks if the question has been answered. You 
can't stop someone ignoring this of course, and simply hitting 'No', 
but I'm sure it would remove some of the frequent questions, like "does 
it run on vista". or "I've bought OOo and want my paid-for support".

(*) Which they do, to my surprise, actually respond to. One or two 
other companies might take note :-(

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