I'm trying to create a timesheet in Calc where I enter my start and end
times for each day of work (in 24-hour format to avoid tying myself in
knots with the 12-hour time format), and then have Calc show the amount 
of time worked for each day (ie, calculate the difference between the
two times, and also subtract my lunch break), and then add up those 
daily values for weekly totals.

I defined the format of the appropriate cells as "Time", and so far, so
good ..apart from when I work more than 24 hours in a week (my level of
work varies) and then my attempted weekly total Does The Wrong Thing and
carries away 24 hours-worth [1], leaving only the "remainder", and so
displaying the wrong answer.

[1] to who knows where..

I presume, therefore, that Time is strictly a time-of-day format,
rather than that to be used for performing calculations on 
hour:minute values?

Is it possible to set an appropriate cell format that will allow me to
add up these time values to get the correct cumulative total?

The only solution that springs immediately to mind would be just to use
normal decimal numbers (and to enter the time in decimal format, 
ie, 18:30 -> 18.5, fortunately I don't require greater than
quarter-hour accuracy and can avoid too-messy fractions), but that would 
still be seriously ugly, and I just /know/ I'd end up typing (eg) 18.30 
without thinking, half the time..  :-(

Thanks in advance for any advice,


David M.  Edinburgh, Scotland. ---- [en,fr,(de) <-- corrections welcome]
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