At 09:16 20/07/2007 -0400, Shari L. Yawn wrote:
I use Windows XP, my Open Office system is 1.1.2.  What I am trying to do
is, without using automatic numbering, I want to format a paragraph that is
indented .5, then typing number such as 1., and then indenting another .5 and
keep all following lines aligned with the first typed  line, so that it looks
like this:

    1.    I do not want to use  automatic number, as the clients that I type
for do not like to use it as they  get
          confused.   But I want my paragraphs to look like this one.

Please help with this!!!  It is driving us crazy.  We can do this  with the
automatic numbering, but not without using the auto numbering.   Help!!

The best method is usually to let the application do the work for you, so it may save work in the long run if you train your clients not to get confused and then use the automatic numbering. This way, if you need to delete a paragraph, the others will renumber automatically.

But the answer to your question is actually easy:

o  Select all the paragraphs for which you want this format.
o Locate the *lower* small grey triangle at the left margin of the typing area on the horizontal ruler above the text window. Drag this across to where you want the "double" indent position (1.0 in your example). Don't worry that the upper triangle moves with it. o Now drag the *upper* triangle back to the single indent position (0.5 in your example). o In each paragraph, enter the number and the full stop and then press Tab to move the following text to the double indent position.

The easiest and best way would probably be to create a paragraph style with this arrangement of indents and then apply it to paragraphs as necessary.

Oh, and 1.1.2 is very old.  Why not upgrade to a newer version?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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