I hope I have sent this to the correct address, I've already sent it to the wrong address once! I'm a bit overwhelmed with the number of lists supporting OpenOffice.Org ,my apologies if I messed up.

I recently installed OpenOffice.Org on my PC (Windows XP) and after installation had a suite of application icons for each of the components. However when I installed on my daughters Mac OSX 10.4, Intel MacBook I ended up with a folder with basically three items in it: a Readme, Licenses, and a 'large' icon named OpenOffice.Org >>Applications (or something similar. (We also installed X11 successfully) I copied that 'large' icon to the applications folder but I can not find program icons for any of the installed components. When we click on the single one, Writer launches and runs properly. After poking around, I did find that you can launch Calc, Impress etc from the File New dialog in Writer however that seems kinda klugy to always need to run Writer first. After pouring through the various FAQ's (again a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of support locations) I was able to find one cryptic comment that indicated I should append _Calc instead of _Writer on the command line. Thing is I'm not launching anything from a command line. Thanks in advance, any insight appreciated.


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