
I echo the sentiments of other users in saying the problem lies in the misuse of technology.

Spreadsheets are not meant for record-keeping. They are meant for complex (and not-so-complex) calculations (hence the name Calc). The fact that the row/column layout is easily substituted for the record/field layout of many databases, and that the spreadsheet "database" can be built and modified "on the fly," does not excuse the lack of planning and misuse. This is analogous to the person who uses a screwdriver instead of a hammer to drive a nail; you can do it, but it isn't the right tool for the job.

So the problem you have is that the school has been driving nails with screwdrivers, and is not open to learning to use a hammer. Your option is to supply screwdrivers with fatter handles, or to teach them to use hammers and replace the screwdrivers with the right tool.

It isn't a FOSS issue. In time, even MS Office will stumble and fall on the system presently in use. The sooner they can be switched to a database from a spreadsheet, the easier it will be for everyone.

Christian Einfeldt wrote:

I need some help figuring out how to make OOo handle a massive 6 MB .xls
file better.

Alan Frayer
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