
On 9/1/07, Alan Frayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Christian,
> I echo the sentiments of other users in saying the problem lies in the
> misuse of technology.

I am all in favor of switching the school to OOo Base, but that is probably
not a solution that I will be able to implement in 72 hours, by Tuesday
morning, which is when this solution needs to be in place.  Or can I ?

It isn't a FOSS issue. In time, even MS Office will stumble and fall on
> the system presently in use.

The problem is that apparently Excel can handle this file.  I have not
tested the file on Excel yet, simply because I kind don't like Microsoft
products, and I wanted to report the problem to this list first in the hopes
of creating a FOSS solution.

The sooner they can be switched to a
> database from a spreadsheet, the easier it will be for everyone.

I agree.  I have been working with this school for 2 years (this is the
start of the third), and I agree that change is needed.  But change comes
very slowly to this school.

Talk about the digital divide.  I am living on the wrong side of the tracks
with this school, and I am bound and determined to do what I can with FOSS
to give these hardworking kids the education they deserve.  A bit of
background is relevant here.  75% of the students are from households below
the federal poverty guidelines, and yet under the new administration of the
last four years, this school has gone from being third from last in the
district to first or second in the district in terms of standardized
testing.  The demographics of the school are as follows:  ages 10 to 13; 65%
of the students are African American; 17% are Latino; 10% are Asian; 7% are
white.  Digital divide?  You bet.  And yet these kids have dug themselves
from the bottom of the heap to the top.  It's really impressive.  These kids
have worked hard.  They have proven themselves.  They deserve the best.
They deserve FOSS.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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