hi fajar, thank you for your answer.
search/replace would be fine, but it works only with text (and the
problem is in the links, which are "hidden" for search - even in the
"raw" format of the .odt document, opened by a binary-code editor).
btw, in my case link change was only file:///C:/path...->
file:///path..., the  file:///C:/path...-> http:///path... happened to
another guy, who wrote to forum some time ago (without any answer, it
some similar issues (image loss) are mentioned on the oo web without
solution or serious answer, with lower priority (as not really
reproducible). i dont understand that low priority. i find any bug
causing loss of data (or large amount of work as in my case) as very
serious one. in fact, killing oo as a "professional" tool. in the
office i cannot afford unreliable sw. irony is that i choosed oo for
this work exactly for its better image management... :-(
btw, i tried a bit of testing - it seems that saving images with
relative path (useful behavior, if you have to move your work to
another location) dont work even if this is selected in settings
(maybe with url it works, i didnt care...)
i forgot to mention, i use oo2.2.0 on winXPh and core2duo/2gb-ram machine

2007/9/3, Fajar Priyanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello Heinrich,
> I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know why it happened, but, I think we can try
> to 'cure' it temporarily by using the Search and Replace feature of OOo.
> You can search http://  and replace it with file:///C:/

> --
> Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial
> http://linux2.arinet.org
> 21:07:05 up 38 min, 2.6.20-16-generic GNU/Linux
> Let's use OpenOffice. http://www.openoffice.org
> On Monday 03 September 2007 13:29:42 Henrich Pifko wrote:
> > hi there,
> > i have a great problem. it was already mentioned, but i didnt find answers.
> > i have a large document wiith many images inserted as links to local files.
> > suddenly the links were broken.
> > they had been changed from file:///C:/pathname/filename.jpg to
> > file:///pathname/filename.jpg and dont work anymore.
> > the images can be re-inserted, but I have cca hundred of them!
> > help, please, how to restore the complete path in all links.
> > i tried to save the document in another format with editable links -
> > it worked, but i lost the precious layout formating - this is not a
> > way for me.
> > thanks.
> > henrich
> >
> > ps here is another mail with similar problem - i found it in archives...
> > I have a document with many large images in it.
> > Embedding these images in the text made it very slow to load, so I
> > linked them to a local file instead.
> > After hours of getting the layout just the way I wanted it, I saved
> > the file and went off to do something else. When I came back a couple
> > hours later, the entire file was trashed and I discovered that all
> > the links had been changed from file:///C:/pathname/filename.jpg to
> > http://pathname/filename.jpg
> > Does anyone have a clue why?

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