On 14/09/2007, William Case <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi;
> I have been following this thread with some interest.
> I have a curiosity question.


Putting aside the obvious benefits to Microsoft of having OOXML declared
> an ISO standard, can or does Microsoft make any claim that there is an
> additional benefit to the user when using OOXML?  If so, how true might
> that claim be?


MS are claiming significant benefits for OOXML but there's at least one
detailed technical analysis demonstrating that  OOXML has many serious
defects leading to significant "malefits" for users *and* developers:

http://ooxmlisdefectivebydesign.blogspot.com/ makes interesting reading. The
introductory paragraph cites some of the benefits MS are claiming for OOXML.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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