Greetings from a newbie, all.

I have made a discovery that might be helpful to folks who are having trouble paginating. I had written a document and wanted to add page numbers. Nothing fancy, no roman-to-Arabic transition, just, y'know, consecutive numbers on consecutive pages. It was too much to ask. I followed, meticulously, instructions from the Oo help menu, a book on Linux, and several web sites. The various instructions were incompatible, but that's all right because none of them worked. I would get "1" on page 1, right where it ought to be, and empty footer fields on all pages after that.

After uninstalling, reinstalling, and calling up some vocabulary I'd forgotten I knew, I discovered a solution by accident: Set up pagination BEFORE you add the text. If you've already written it, as I had, do this: In a BLANK Oo page, set up page numbering. Then copy and paste the document you've written into that page. The whole thing comes out properly paginated. Well... It has so far. This is of course completely different from Word or WPerfect, where you can add pagination to the document after you've written it. And NONE of the sources I consulted made any mention of this. How was I supposed to know it?

Or am I still missing something?

-- Doug M.

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