At 11:44 06/10/2007 -0400, Web Kracked wrote:
When I needed to hand in a paper or report, both college and business, I was told that I had to start the numbering with page two. This meant that I had to skip the page 1 of 7 on the first page, but start showing 2 of 7, etc. on the next page.

just to place it out here, How is that done?

Easy: this is what the earlier questioner had apparently done by mistake - only backwards, with the number on the first page but not on others.

The key to this is applying a different page style to the first page from that of other pages. You then give the style of the other pages a footer with the page number, which numbers pages 2 onwards. You can either give the first page no footer or else a footer but without the page number.

o Create your document, let's say with the Default page style. (That's the page style - shown in the status bar at the foot of the display - not the paragraph style, which is shown in the Formatting toolbar.) o Insert a footer in the normal way. This will apply to the Default page style - in other words, at present all the document. o Insert the Page Number field into the footer. This will appear on all pages. (Don't panic!) o Put the cursor in the first page, right-click the "Default" legend in the status bar, and choose First Page from the context menu. You have changed the first page to be in a style without the footer, so no page number appears.

If you want the first page to have the same appearance as the others, you will now want to put a footer into the first page (i.e. into the First Page page style). Right-click and choose Page... | Footer to do this. Note that this footer, being in a different page style, does not inherit the Page Number field.

You don't have to use the First Page and Default styles, of course: you can create your own styles; you just need to use a different one for the first page from the rest.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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