On Friday 12 October 2007 15:11:45 Robert Dailey wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently I'm opening an ODS file and saving it back as a CSV
> file. However, when I save as a CSV file I don't want the open
> document to BE the CSV file. In other words, when I go to "Save
> As" and save the document as a CSV, the open document should
> still be the ODS.
> It would be great is the File>>Export option had all of the file
> formats that Save As does. This would definitely give me what I
> want. On the other hand, if there's already a way to do this I
> would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me out. Thanks
> for reading.
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Save AS in any program saves the files as the new name and/or type.

There are some programs with a function called Save Copy As which 
would do exactly what you want. It would save the copy and store it 
while leaving the original open and unaltered.

What you want cannot be done the way you want in OpenOffice.org

Put in a RFE and I will vote for it.

-- See the OpenOffice.org FAQ
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