I finally have a posting that is not related to the hassles of the Tiger to Leopard upgrade!

Now that I have OOo working on my Mac, I am troubled a bit by aesthetics. When I open a new Writer or Calc document, the window opens fully maximized with even the lower edge below the doc. In the case of Writer, the zoom seems set by default to full page view (as opposed to my preference, Page Width view). I don't want this to happen--I have a 24" monitor so it is wholly unnecessary to open a new OOo document fully maximizes. It is actually a little overwhelming!

I have figured out how to change the zoom by changing the default template, but I still can't coax the thing not to open in new window in any other way than fully maximized.

Any ideas? When I use OOo under Linux I am pretty sure that window sizing is preserved when one closes out the application.

Thanks for direction.


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