I have an existing Impress slideshow of roughly two hundred slides for a 
lecture course.  At the moment I create the lecture notes by adding text 
to the slides notes and producing the notes handout for the students.  
However, sometimes the text exceeds what will fit in the notes box, and 
other times there is barely a sentence to go there.

I would prefer to write the students' notes as a Writer document and 
include the slides as linked OLE objects.  However, my attempts to do this 
have all ended in failure.  

Currently, to try to add a slide, I:
1.  select Insert->Object->OLE_Object from the menus,
2.  click the "create from file" option in the dialogue box,
3.  click the "link to file" option,
4.  browse to my slides.odp file, and
5.  click OK.

This loads in the slides as an entire set but only shows me the last of 
the slides.  

Is there a way of selecting individual slides from within the slide show 
in an embedded OLE linked object?

Failing that, is there a way to export the entire slide show's set of 
slides as a sequence of graphics files so that I could embed links to the 
individual images?  (Somehow this seems less elegant than the OLE 

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