On Nov 26, 2007 2:18 PM, William Case <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Brewster;
> I was having a bit of a tease for those folks that are so categorical on
> this particular subject.
> On Mon, 2007-11-26 at 10:35 -0800, bg wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-11-26 at 09:26, William Case wrote:
> >
> > > Yesterday I received an email from one of my best friends.  He uses
> > > WindowsXP and Outlook exclusively.  He said "Why do you always hide
> your
> > > responses in the middle of my letter to you.  I can never find them.
>  I
> > > don't need to be reminded of what I just said -- I just said it a few
> > > moments before!"
> >
> > You're hugely missing the point here, Bill. It is on a listserv,
> > with multiple posters and threaded topics, that judicious editing
> > of backquotes, followed by bottom responses, makes more sense.
> > In one-one one correspondence, as you refer to above, it usually
> > is unnecessary to even include *any* of the backquote, as your
> > correspondent points out. There, top-posting is much less disruptive,
> > and maybe even faster. But it's a royal pain on an e-list.
> >
> > Different methods for different environments - what a concept!
> In fact, that was my point.
> --
> Regards Bill
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> Can you please top this rather useless bickering about top or bottom
If you have something to contribute in terms of helping people running the
program please do so.
But this ongoing childish squabblke is absolutely annoying.

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