On Sun, 25 Nov 2007 21:59:24 -0600
Bruce Roorda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do agree that cutting the previous messages down to essentials is a 
> good idea.

Which, of course,  you failed to do.  So I guess it's a good idea in theory

Incidentally, your ISP (softhome.net) is bouncing emails sent through my
mailserver due to the fact that they erroneously categorize it as a dynamic
address, which it is not.  You can prove it by pinging melvilletheatre.com and
see what string is returned -- hint:  it contains the word "static".

You might want to jump on them about that.  My email server isn't that
important in the greater scheme of things, but who knows how many more
legitimate mailservers they are bouncing as well.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~ http://www.melvilletheatre.com

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