Ok you two...

Consider that many newbies are on this list. On serious lists you will
get flamed for top posting. In businesses it seems almost everyone top
posts. What i recommend on a newbie list like this is leave your
personal preference at the door, then follow the posting precedence as
set by others on the thread i.e. if the other respondents have top
posted - top post. If other respondents have bottom posted - then bottom

Nothing ballses up a thread more than two top posts followed by a bottom
post followed by someone that took offence and re-wrote what the rest
have written to their personal preference.

Lifes to short for ulcers over such minor stuff.

On Sun, 25 Nov 2007 21:59:24 -0600
Bruce Roorda wrote:

> I disagree that bottom posting is "correct". It is merely a matter of 
> preference, sometimes strong preference.
> I have a very strong preference against posting replies inline, but I
> do not assert that my preference is correct.
> I recognize that some people find bottom posting preferable, just as 
> some people find top posting preferable.
> I do agree that cutting the previous messages down to essentials is a 
> good idea.
> Frank Cox wrote:
> > 
> > Actually, the correct thing to do is to cut the previous message
> > down to the essential part that you are replying to, then enter your
> > reply.  You don't need to reproduce the entirety of the previous
> > message; just the relevant portion(or even a portion of the relevant
> > portion) -- just enough to provide context for the reply.
> > 
> > You can then add your comments either in-line or at the bottom and
> > your message will then make sense to everyone, whether he has been
> > following the thread or just looked at one single message.
> > 


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

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