Hi to all.
   I've installed wine 0.9.17 and saw that it has bad font. It's own
font on the wine desktop and applications is bold and italic badly. So
it's difficult to read. How can i change the main font of my installed
wine ?
wine-users mailing list
Content-description: Mail message body

On 22 Dec 2007 at 11:50, Keith Bates wrote:
<< snip >>
> There are two different issues:
<< snip >>
> 2. Hijacking a thread happens when someone takes an existing email
> that they have received and deletes the content and the subject in
> order to post a completely new topic. Email programs which just sort
> by subject present this as a new topic. More sophisticated email
> readers are not tricked by the subject header because they use other
> headers to determine what is threaded together- these programs show
> the new topic interleaved with the old because they believe that the
> intention of the "hijacker" was to continue the old conversation with
> a new subject header.
> This is not the fault of the email programs as the standards that
> govern email require the more "sophisticated" approach.
> I don't believe that the mailing list guidelines are meant to condone
> or encourage thread hijacking.

Not to belabor the point, but I know that I have inadvertently "hijacked" a 
thread due to not 
remembering the e-mail address. I have found a message that contained the 
address and 
replied to it changing the subject but forgetting that I also need to remove 
the "In-Reply-To" 
and "References" headers. This is an easy mistake to make.

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