Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
Although you are correct, if you are willing to perform the numbering yourself, using a field, then you should be able to cross reference the item. For example, create a field named "MyNumber" and then set it specifically the same way you can manually enter a table number...

Insert | Fields | Other
Click on the Variables tab
Select Number range from the Type column
Enter MyNumber in the Name column.
Enter MyNumber + 1 in the value column

You can then reference each MyNumber value.

I tried this, but I couldn't make it work, almost certainly because I didn't really understand what was going on. Having now read a couple of descriptions of how fields can be used to create custom numbering schemes, I still don't really understand things, but I'm certain that I can if I work at it hard enough. Before I do that, however, I'd like to know that what I'm really trying to accomplish is doable.

My goal is to create an automatically numbered list of references (i.e., a bibliography) at the end of an article such that I can insert cross references to bibliography entries in the article and have the appropriate numbers appear. If I reorder the entries in the bibliography, I want the cross references to update automatically. (I know that Writer has support for bibliographies in the form of a database, and I played around with that a little, but that's overkill for what I want to do. The setup cost for the database is considerable, and having to manually choose unique identifiers is a pain.)

As things stand now, I've developed paragraph and list styles so that the beginning of my bibliography looks like this (the numbers are generated automatically, and the formatting is prettier in my document than it is in the text below):

[1]Abrahams, David and Gurtovoy, Aleksey, C++ Template Metaprogramming, Addison-Wesley, 2004. [2]Barton, John J. and Nackman, Lee R., “Dimensional Analysis,” C++ Report, January 1995. This is a simplified version of the material covered in section 16.5 of the authors' Scientific and Engineering C++, Addison-Wesley, 1994. [3]Frogley, Thaddaeus, “An Introduction to C++ Traits,”

I'd like to be able to insert a citation to a bibliography entry by selecting from a list that shows me at least the beginning text of each entry above. For example, if I want to insert a citation to the article by Barton and Nackman, I want to be able to select that text (from a list) and have the corresponding number ("[2]") automatically inserted in my document. If the location of Barton and Nackman later changes in my bibliography, its number will change (that already happens automatically), and I'd want the citation text to change, too.

Is the fields-based method suggested above by Andrew Pitonyak a suitable way to approach this problem? If not, what would be a good way to attack it?



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