-----Original Message-----

> monopoly such as http://www.rense.com/general72/GATES.HTM which might be why
> people enjoy being locked in to MS products and why they call the righteous
> open source people zealots.
> Floyd

That link looks like a bunch of unfounded direct lies. I could find no
confirmation or even shred of suggestion that anything in that article
is true. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, Floyd.

Dotan Cohen

I couldn't find any proof of the name change of the Foundation either so have 
to agree that it may not be fact.  I do find it interesting that the richest 
man in the world made his fortune on a product that by all accounts does not 
work, and never has.  Perhaps it is a coincidence.  This link 
http://egomania.nu/gates.html is probably also an amazing coincidence.


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