On 23/01/2008, M. Fioretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, January 22, 2008 7:59 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > I'd like to know about the direct environmental impact of MS Office, not
> > other MS products. I don't want to convince them to switch OS, rather, I
> > want to convince them to send newsletters in a non-MSO format.
> This is covered in the "Does Software pollute? Of course!" page I already
> provided. If you (the environmentalist organization) switch to MS Office
> 2007 on your own computers you may still pretend it's not a big deal (in
> spite of
> the arguments already provided about this not being such an eco-conscious
> attitude).
> But if the organizations starts sending out newsletters and stuff in MS
> Office 2007 _formats_ ...  it _is_ demanding to all the recipients that
> they
> send to the landfills perfectly working pieces of very polluting hardware
> in order to read that eco-friendly newsletter, unless those computers were
> new
> enough to install and run decently MS Office 2007.
> This is an argument which remains valid regardless of:
> - the country where this happens
> - file sizes
> - the price or license of MS Office 2007 or Windows
>                 Marco

Well, they are still sending .doc and not .docx files. But I'm sure
that when they get to that bridge, it will burn under them as well.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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