At 20:42 08/02/2008 -0400, France Champagne wrote:
cant open a .wps file

That's right: your .wps file is a Microsoft Works word processor document, and OpenOffice cannot open those.

I downloaded the Wp2krtf.exe ...

That is probably no use to you. This file, when run, installs filters into older versions of Microsoft Office (specifically, Word) so that they can open and save Works files. But it has no use unless you have such a version of Microsoft Office, and certainly none with OpenOffice.

... i still can't open wps files

If possible, return to your copy of Works or borrow someone else's or ask your correspondent to do so (as appropriate), and save the documents from Works in a usable format. These include Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), and even plain text (.txt). Works can save all of those and OpenOffice will open all of them. You could also make this conversion using a recent version of Microsoft Word, if you can get temporary access to this (at work? a friend's? a library? an internet cafe?).

But there is neat workaround. It seems you are using Windows. If so, download and install the free viewer for Microsoft Word document files from the Microsoft web site. Open your Works file in this. (It accepts Works files.) Select all the text and copy-and-paste it into a new OpenOffice Writer document. This will preserve most of the formatting, at least.

By the way, every Windows user of OpenOffice should install the free viewers from Microsoft for Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files, as it is easier and better to display and print files you receive this way than by opening them as if for editing in OpenOffice.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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