Hi Jaslyn Wu,

2008/2/12, Manfred J. Krause wrote:
> 2008/2/12, mike scott wrote:
> > On 12 Feb 2008 at 14:23, Guy Voets wrote:
> > > 2008/2/12, Jaslyn Wu wrote:
> > > > Dear Sir/ Madam,
> > > >
> > > > I tried to download the Thai Projects of OpenOffice.org. from
> > > > http://th.openoffice.org/ .
> > > > Then, I got to http://download.openoffice.org/2.0.0/index.html
> > > > Which says "This version of OpenOffice.org 2.0.x has been superseded.
> > > > Please visit Download Central."
> > > > However, I can't find the Thai version here.
> > > >
> > > > Could you please help me to find Thai version of OpenOffice.org? Even
> > > > the old version is good enough for me.
> > [...]
> Well - it's a vicious circle ...   ;-)
> I would suggest to go to this site  ->
> <http://openoffice.mirrors.tds.net/pub/openoffice/stable/2.3.1/>
> Then download the en-US version (depending on your operating system).
> Then select  ->
> <Parent Directory>  (2 x)
> ... now select  ->
> <extended/ >  ->   <2.3.1rc1/>
> There you'll find the Thai language pack
> <...langpack_th....>
> for Linux, Solaris, Windows.
> Download the Thai language pack.
> Install OOo 2.3.1 (en-US).
> Then install the Thai language pack to the existing OOo directory.
> Now user interface and online help can be switched from English
> to Thai (and vice versa).
> For further information (after installation)
> see Help <F1>  ->
> Index: languages
> I've never tried out with Thai -
> but it works fine between Western languages.
> Feedback to users@openoffice.org would be nice ...

To boost your motivation:
Now I tried it out as described above and - as far as I can see -
it's working fine.

[OOo 2.3.1 en-US  (Win32Intel) /
OOo 2.3.1rc1 langpack_th (Win32Intel) /

Some results:
Installation and switching to Thai user interface
without any problems.
Menus and toolbars have been available in Thai,
online Help has been mixed Thai/English.

Apart from that:
I can't read the Thai language and I had to take care
that I don't lose my compass ...  ;-)

Maybe anybody knows better ...

Good luck -

> --
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