At 16:29 01/03/2008 +1100, Lindsay Graham wrote:
If I'm in the second sheet of a Calc file that has 2 sheets, the page numbers shown in the bottom left hand corner of Page Preview relate to the pages for ALL sheets. How can I get it to show the page numbers for the current sheet only?

I don't know that you can.

Without that, I have to manually subtract the number of pages in Sheet 1 to get the correct page numbers for printing and I can't believe that there is not an easier way to do it.

You may want to go to Tools | Options... | Calc | Print | Sheets and put a tick by "Print only selected sheets". (Alternatively, you can set this on the fly by selecting the Options... button in the Print dialogue.) With this ticked, the page numbers you need to put into the "Print range" in the Print dialogue are those within only the sheet you are printing (if you have that alone selected), as you evidently require. Page Preview still (unhelpfully?) shows and numbers the whole document, though.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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