To whom it may concern:

My name is Jennifer and I downloaded your open office program about a week or 
two ago.  I am having one problem with it.  When I import a picture into the 
Office Writer and send the file in an email as an attachment to someone who 
does have open office, when she opens the file, the pictures do not show up.  I 
tired saving it has an .odt and as a .doc and I even converted it to a .pdf.  
Still no images are showing up.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is there 
something extra I need to do?

I scanned the picture in and opened it up through Paint.  I cut and copied what 
I wanted out of the picture to the document.

When that didn't work, I rescanned the picture and used the import feature and 
it still didn't show up when my friend tried to view it.  It shows up on my 
end, but not theirs.

Please help me.  Thank you.

Jennifer Rickards

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not 
see."  Hebrews 11:1

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