On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 7:42 AM, Jennifer Rickards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> To whom it may concern:
> My name is Jennifer and I downloaded your open office program about a week
> or two ago.  I am having one problem with it.  When I import a picture into
> the Office Writer and send the file in an email as an attachment to someone
> who does have open office, when she opens the file, the pictures do not show
> up.  I tired saving it has an .odt and as a .doc and I even converted it to
> a .pdf.  Still no images are showing up.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is
> there something extra I need to do?

Have you tried opening the pdf version on your computer? can you see the

If the other person has openoffice then there must be a problem with the
document on your machine. If the other person has instead Microsoft Office,
then save the document in .doc format (you did that) and tell your friend to
switch to the page layout mode as some pictures don't show in "normal" mode.

I think the best way to transfer the picture is using pdf.



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