
I am considering download and installation of OpenOffice.org 2.3.1 (application). I would be considered a general user and not a code writer. Would someone please answer these questions for me?

1) From what I can tell of the information on the OOo website this application suite can co-exist with MS Office. That is, I would not have to uninstall MS office at some point. Is this correct? 2) Is the suite somehow interwoven with MS Office that would influence the performance of either one or make uninstalling of either one difficult? 3) Can I install the application to a hard drive different from the drive where MS Office and Windows XP is installed? 4) Are there any issues with Norton Internet security software or Norton Utility suite with the application? What has been your experience so far?

The Openoffice.org website contains a lot of information but I could not find answers to these questions that I thought basic.

I look forward to your reply as it will help me to make a decision whether to download the suite or not.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Glenn Phillips

PS-My system does meet the minimum requirements as stated.

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