On 03/11/2008 08:41 AM, James wrote:
> Sorry about the error in my reply address. Will be cognizant of this 
> in future. I just completed an uninstall, deletion of the OOOo 
> profile and a virus/spyware scan and a registry scan followed by a 
> reboot and fresh install. Nothing changed.

Thanks. Did you reload 2.3.1 or did you try the 2.4.0rc4 (now at:

This one has me a bit stumped. If none of that worked, I can't help but
think that perhaps it is a system and/or registry problem.

Shooting in the dark here:

1. Turn off and unload Quickstarter & make sure it is turned off in
Tools|Options|Openoffice.org|Memory. Close OOo.
2. Create a new standard directory on your system and name it OOotempdir.
3. Open OOo: Tools|Options|Openoffice.org|Paths
Check the paths for 'My Documents' and 'Temporary files' and ensure that
they look correct for your username.
4 Now, in Tools|Options|Openoffice.org|Paths change the 'Temporary
files' path to the new OOotempdir. Close and reopen OOo in Writer,
create a one word file and try a Save As.

>>On 03/11/2008 12:29 AM, James wrote:
>> >>No joy. Sadly, I may have to go back to MS.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >>You most likely have a corrupt OOo profile. Rename your OOo profile
>> >>directory (OpenOffice.org2). On windows it is located at:
>> >>
>> >>C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\OpenOffice.org2
>> >>
>> >>Restart OOo.
>> >>
>> >>If that doesn't work (it should): delete the newly created
>> >>OpenOffice.org2 directory and rename your old OpenOffice.org2 back to
>> >>it's original of OpenOffice.org2.
>> >>
>> >>--
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>> >>responses from other OOo users. Please *only* reply to users@openoffice.org
>> >
>> >

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