A. Stephan Lanczi wrote:

I have used a much earlyer version of the same program when it was not as devlopped as today, but i had my computer rebuilt now the third time after crashes due to external bugs despite protection. Now my computer is bristling with protection but even that is not perfect. I trush a lot of my email un read if i don't recognise the sender. After rebuilds it invariably vinda up with the Microsoft software and sometimes i just forget things i had on it and addresses where to get things and it is always a major effort to re establish all my shareware programs mostly the ones i actualy purchase. Now i have two hard drives and periodicaly back up the complete Program Files to the second drive. Ofcourse there probably versions of programs be lost, since you can't plan on crushes but it will be much easyer than in past versions of my computer.
The best way to avoid those problems is to not use any Microsoft software. For example, there have never been any viable viruses for Linux, which I use. Stability, reliability and performance are also much better than Windows, on the same hardware. Most Linux versions come with OpenOffice, Thunderbird and many other applications already included. Macs are also much better than Windows, for similar reasons, but they are also much more expensive. When it comes to things like reliability, stability, performance, resistance to viruses etc., Windows is by far the worst choice.

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