I am afarid that that is not true, I run Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbons,
and the full Open Office Suite, including Draw and Base, are

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Drew Jensen
> Lester Silberman wrote:
>  > The version of OpenOffice that came with my new 4G  Asus eeepc does
>  > not include  the  database program, Base. Is there a way that this can
>  > be  downloaded separately? The computer uses Linux.
>  >
>  > Thank you
>  >
>  > Les Silberman
>  >
>  Not really sure about EEE PC, but I think this is an Ubuntu Linux
>  install and by default then Base ( and Draw ) are not installed. It is
>  not that they are just not on the menu, they are not installed at all.
>  That has been my experience with Kubuntu installations anyway.
>  Again, if it follows my experience with Kubuntu the files for the module
>  are part of the distribution and all you need do is select them for
>  installation. Not sure what utilities eee pc supplies for this ( I'm
>  sure dpkg is available, at least I would assume so ), if it supports
>  adept then that is the easiest way. Start up adept and just browse for
>  the openoffice files and you will find the uninstalled Base package,
>  select for installation.
>  I hope that helps
>  Drew
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If you are sick and tired with Microsoft Office, install Open Office
from http://www.openoffice.org it is free and it does everything the
other stuff does. -- Wenn du die Schnauze voll hast mit Microsoft
Office, warum installierst du nicht Open Office von
http://www.openoffice.org. es kostet nichts und es macht alles was die
andere Software macht.

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