Dear Sir:

    I could use some help in getting started in using Open Office specialy in 
how to install Icons to start various parts of the software. I would also like 
to know if it is possible to use your software to use instead of Microsoft 
Word. Presently i do not have spell check on my computer, because i'm disabled 
and could not afford to purchase a word processor. I have been disabled since 
1990 and now i'm officialy retired. I'm 66 years old and i'm not a computer 
viz, though i have worked on the hardware end for many years as a trouble 
shooter and trainig other technologists at the engineering end as an 
engineering technologist.

    I have also a friend in my building who possibly could use your program. He 
is involved a lot in photography and can not presently open a lot of 
attachments because he has no Microsoft office installed on his system. If your 
program can handle the task and compatible as a replacement, than i will help 
him download the program on his
system. I help him a lot with his problems since he knows a lot less about 
computers than i do. He is 77 years old and was an electrician.

    If you have any users manuals available for the program, it would help me a 
lot to get started.

            Thanks for your time and kind cooperation:

                        Yours: A. Stephan Lanczi.

    P.S. I have learned about your program, through a notice on my screen that 
came up automaticaly when i turned on my computer, since i'm also a Java user, 
since some of my programs are running, using Java. Infact programmers for lotto 
analisys programs use Java frequently because Through Java they have access to 
more memory and can work directly with more than 14 million 6 number lines with 
ease, which is not the case with Windows. There seems to have been some problem 
with downloading the program through that notice and i have spent some time to 
find out where it vent but could not find it anywhere, ythus i work bacwards to 
find the download location again and today it worked out fine, but i could use 
some help in getting rollin with it. A.S.L

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