On 28/04/2008 04:35, Sharon Hamel wrote:
I installed Open Office in order to open a Power Point document attached to an email. I still can't open the Power Point document.
OpenOffice can open Powerpoint presentations except those created with MS Office 2007 - they'll have a ".pptx" extension instead of the usual ".ppt". Double clicking an e-mail attachment sometimes doesn't work in Windows which is too simple minded to understand what is going on. Try dragging the attachment to the your desktop and opening it from there.
In addition, Fire Fox and Mozilla (which I don't want) WERE installed but I was able to delete them in my Add/Remove program. What gives?
Where did you get your copy of OpenOffice from? The normal distribution from www.openoffice.org does *not* come with Firefox. Also, even installing OpenOffice from a CD won't normally install anything else. What do you mean by "Mozilla was installed". Mozilla is the name of the organisation that produces Firefox and several other free products but *none* of those products is actually called Mozilla.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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