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 Disable even=left/odd=right page rule to avoid page numbering issues


Le 25.05.2008 08:58, Brian Barker a écrit :

At 19:50 24/05/2008 -0400, Adrian Parker wrote:
The previous version of OO acts differently than 2.4 when inserting a page break and changing the page numbering...

For instance my first page should be a cover page (no page number), the second page should be of type Index. The index page has a table of contents. It should be page 1 and display in roman numerals. The table of contents might be more than one page. Following the table of contents is the document proper (whose numbering should begin at 1).

This is all very sensible and standard, of course (though I could not have guessed this detail from your earlier messages!). And Writer will do it all for you very conveniently.

I think the only potentially puzzling behaviour here is what Writer calls "automatically inserted blank pages". Writer considers that you may wish to print your document double-sided and consequently arranges that each odd-numbered page becomes a recto and each even-numbered page a verso. So your second and third sections - each starting at a new version of page 1 (or i) - will be forced onto a right-hand page, with an extra blank page preceding them if necessary. Note that these blank pages do not appear in the normal editing view, but they are clearly visible in Page Preview.

If you wish to print the document double-sided, you will need to print, as it were, these blank pages - unless you prefer not to follow this system of page arrangement. But if you print single-sided, you will not want to waste paper by doing so. In any case, you can control the way the document prints at Tools | Options... | Writer | Print | Other | Print automatically inserted blank pages; alternatively, you can reach the same setting on the fly using the Options... button in the Print dialogue.

I should be surprised if this behaviour is different from that in earlier versions than 2.4, but I can't comment on that since don't have them available to test.

Brian Barker

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