On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Brian Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> At 13:27 25/05/2008 -0400, Adrian Parker wrote:
>> The behaviour of 2.4 compared to the previous release does vary.  The
>> previous version does not print the blank page.
> I hear you repeating this claim, but I don't believe it to be the case.
>  According to the web site, the option to suppress the printing of
> automatically inserted blank pages dates from version 2.0.2 in early 2006.
>  So the blank pages themselves must date back at least that far.  And
> version 2.4 doesn't print the blank pages either - unless you have chosen to
> have the option ticked to ask it to.

2.4 does it by default.  You don't have to enable it.  I've installed 2.4 on
a newly formatted machine, and it prints the blank pages.

2.3 didn't on a fresh install.

The trouble with the blank page is that nobody ever puts them back in the
> printer, and they end up getting damaged and thrown away.  Its just a waste
> of paper.
> This is all true.  So I don't understand why you or anyone else would
> choose to have the option ticked to have these blank pages produced if they
> were printing single-sided and didn't need them.  That's the only puzzle for
> me.  Good housekeeping is only an un-tick away!
>  I don't want to print double sided.
> Fine.  Then you would surely not choose to have the option ticked and waste
> the paper, would you?

I obviously didn't now about the option to disable it.

> The only remaining problem for single-sided documents is the incorrect
> value for Page Count - but that may be cosmetic.

The page count is obviously an issue on any single-sided unbound document.

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