Here's a perplexing question. I've used OOo 2.4 for several months now without 
any problems.  All of a sudden last week, OOo 2.4 Calc started acting strange.  
You know when you you open a spreadsheet to modify it, if you attempt to exit 
that spreadsheet without saving it, you would get a pop up message asking you 
if you want to save the changes, discard the changes or cancel? Well all of a 
sudden, last week, OOo 2.4 Calc would do that with whatever spreadsheet I'd 
open, even if I just wanted to see some data and no changes were made..  I'd 
always answer to discard the changes because I had made no changes.  Was this 
something trying to attach itself to my spreadsheets?  My son examined my 
options setting and everything was fine.  To satisfy my curiosity, I ran my 
portable apps OOo vs 2.3.1 Calc and everything worked fine.  So I deleted 3.4 
from the hard drive and reinstalled 2.3.1  Everything worked great!  The next 
day, again to satisfy my curiosity, I
 reinstalled OOo vs 2.4 and again
2.4 acted up again.  Every spreadsheet I opened, not making any modifications 
at all, Calc would ask me the same "save, discard, cancel" popup. So again, I 
deleted 2.4 and reinstalled 2.3.1 without any  problems.  
Any insight?


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