On 10 Jun 2008 at 8:38, Jack D. Lewis wrote:

> We are constantly seeing this question repeated on this list. Most of
> them are phrased similar to this:
> *"I downloaded your openoffice program and cannot open any of it.  It
> takes me to a folder that has numerous folders and none of them do
> what it shows that they should do.  Help!"*
> It just dawned on me after months of repeated inquiries to this list
> about this same subject what the problem might be. Windows users are
> almost always the ones asking this question. Windows XP comes
> installed with Explorer having the ability to open zip and
> self-extracting files as though they were just another folder on your
> hard drive. Thus when users who have not turned off this 'feature' try
> to run the installation file, Explorer opens the file and shows them
> the contents instead.
> Maybe we should put clear instructions on the download page about what
> to do if this happens.
> Any comments?

Well, the last few versions I've downloaded came as a .exe. That
won't open as a zip with just a double-click. I've always assumed
they'd got to the 'unpacked' stage and stopped there somehow - but I
can't really see how that would happen.

But I do think some /extremely/ clear installation instructions would
help - particular some along the lines of "if you see /this/ then
/that/ has happened, so try /whatever/". Some people really seem
incredibly naïve about computer use and need it spelled out :-(

FWIW I'm still collating questions from this list - of about 3000,
635 (over 20%) are concerned with installation issues (under which I
include anything from download problems to spellchecker not set up)

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