"Jack D. Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are constantly seeing this question repeated on this list. Most of them are phrased similar to this:

*"I downloaded your openoffice program and cannot open any of it. It takes me to a folder that has numerous folders and none of them do what it shows that they should do. Help!"*

It just dawned on me after months of repeated inquiries to this list about this same subject what the problem might be. Windows users are almost always the ones asking this question. Windows XP comes installed with Explorer having the ability to open zip and self-extracting files as though they were just another folder on your hard drive. Thus when users who have not turned off this 'feature' try to run the installation file, Explorer opens the file and shows them the contents instead.

Maybe we should put clear instructions on the download page about what to do if this happens.

Any comments?

I think (from what I've seen) that the big problem is that when the downloaded executable is double-clicked, OO creates a folder ON THE DESKTOP which contains the un-packed installation files. Many Windows users see that folder and assume that that is where the program icons are situated, open the folder, and of course get gibberish. Perhaps the use of the C:/temp folder, with an automatic deletion of installation files instead might help?

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