On 06/13/2008 03:25 AM, Clayton wrote:
>> Try the one from my link:
>> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu_CD_804.pdf>
>> It only opens with the text. I suppose that it has something to do with
>> how the pdf was created as other pdf's do open with the graphics intact.
>> If you and Andrew can verify, I'll go ahead & submit a bug report and
>> use that file as the text case. My OOo is 3.0 M17 linux.
> I tested this on a couple of installs of 300m17 and the last build of 
> the PDF import extension, and the graphics are not visible.  They are 
> there... if you poke around with the mouse you will be able to locate 
> the various graphical elements and resize them and drag them around. 
> When you do, you can see the outline of the shapes...  If you select 
> all, and then set the line type to "Continuous (instead of invisible 
> which is what it is set to for some reason) then you see the line art as 
> expected - but without color fills.
> I would say definitely file a bug report, and include a link to the PDF 
> that is failing.
> C.

Thanks. I'm thinking it is a eps graphic import issue. Bug filed:

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