At 09:22 19/06/2008 +0800, James Elliott wrote:
I have two spreadsheets in the one workbook, ie Sheet1 and Sheet2. I want the corresponding column widths in the two spreadsheets to be identical so that I can LOOKUP() data in one spreadsheet and paste it into the other one, knowing that the data will fit.

To make single columns equal in width is fairly straight forward: I just look up the column width of the column in Sheet1, and make the corresponding column in Sheet2 the same width.

BUT ... Column#2 on each sheet it actually a merge of 4 standard columns. It is about 9cm wide, yet if I click on one of the cells in it, its column width is reported as being 2.27cm (obviously the width of the 1st cell before merging).

QUESTION How do I make two merged columns the same width, either when they are on the same sheet, or, as in this case, when they are on different sheets.

There are two possibilities here: either you have the cells in these columns merged throughout the range of rows that your spreadsheet uses, or else only for some part of that range. In the second case, there would be significant data in the original columns outside (above or below) the row range for which you had merged cells.

In the first case, demerge the merged cells. Delete the extra columns. Now you have reduced the problem to your "straightforward" example. Adjust the width of the remaining column simply.

In the second case, adjust the width of the constituent columns outside the row range where they are merged. You would want to do this anyway, since you would need those constituent columns to be the right size, not just the merged cells. The merged cells will automatically adjust, of course.

Actually, I have a nasty feeling that you may not have merged any cells at all, since you talk of "a merge of [...] columns". I don't see any way to merge columns, in fact - or probably any need to. If you select two columns and merge them, you merge those entire columns into a single cell, not one cell per row. I doubt that this is what you need or have done. Perhaps you have just entered data sufficiently long to trail over cells in subsequent columns. If so, that data is all, in fact, in one cell (very probably the leftmost cell), and the cells in the other three columns are empty. Double-click the right boundary of the left column in the column header row and the column will instantly expand to show what is actually happening. (Apologies if I have misunderstood you here.)

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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