Gordon wrote:
I am desperately trying to move away from MS Word, but until I can replicate this behaviour, then I won't! In Word 2007, when I go to print, I can choose the option of printing 2 pages on on page. I use this a lot as I do not have a duplex printer, so when printing A5 booklets, I can choose which pages (in A5 portrait size) to print on each page (A4) in order to produce the booklet. (I re-process each page through the printer to obtain the double-sided print. Using the same printer, in Write Beta 3, I can't do the same thing. I've tried all the settings I can think of and yes it does print two pages on one side, but not in full A5 size - it squashes them up to one side. One of the main reasons I do this is because using an A5 page set up, firstly the pages are just typed in order, and then the order of printing is decided at print time, and secondly, it makes the insertion of page numbers easy and automatic.

Does anyone have ANY sort of solution to this?


I have been doing this for a number of years, but the approach I use includes a $50 (USD) piece of software.

1) Create the document as usual to the appropriate size (usually 1/2 page)
2) Write the document as a PDF.  (easy with OOo)
3) Open the PDF with CutePDF ( http://www.cutepdf.com/ ) The progam costs $50USD, but is well worth every penny when dealing with PDFs.
4) Create the Booklet.
5) Print (easy with duplex printer - a little more complicated with single sided)

There may be Open Source equivalents of CutePDF today, I haven't looked. I first tried the trial version and liked it so well that I sprung for the $50. The advantage as I see it is the flexibility of working with PDFs from any program. I don't feel limited in document creation any more.

We have a saying around here "When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."


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