On 03.08.2015 12:56, Sergey Bronnikov wrote:

we have published a part of Virtuzzo documentation on separate
site - http://docs.openvz.org/. And we will add more docs soon.



1) name of tool is "prlctl" - prefix "prl" come from "Parallels"
2) brand name in left top corner of site is "Odin"
3) domain name openvz.org come from "OpenVZ"
4) product name is "Virtuzzo"

So, in one page you have mess of four brands:

"Parallels", "Odin", "OpenVZ", "Virtuzzo".

Your marketologs really think,
what such crazy mess of brands is good for your product?

For example, prefix "prl" is really need in product "Virtuzzo"
developed now by "Odin" company, based on the "OpenVZ" product?

If "Virtuzzo" is proposed as upgrade for "OpenVZ"
- may be it is better to save old tool prefix "vz" ?

"vzctl" name means "Virtuozzo control" - very good and useful name.
same as "vzkernel" means "Virtuozzo kernel" - easy to understand.

"prlctl" means unpronounceable name of six strange consonant letters
and now it without any sense and relation to the "Virtuzzo" product.

For example, I am, as 5-year user of OpenVZ does not see any sense
in renaming very useful and familiar "vzctl" into alien "prlctl".

Probably all other OpenVZ/vzctl users have the similar impression.

Best regards,
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