
----- Original Message -----
> "vzctl" name means "Virtuozzo control" - very good and useful name.
> same as "vzkernel" means "Virtuozzo kernel" - easy to understand.
> "prlctl" means unpronounceable name of six strange consonant letters
> and now it without any sense and relation to the "Virtuzzo" product.
> For example, I am, as 5-year user of OpenVZ does not see any sense
> in renaming very useful and familiar "vzctl" into alien "prlctl".

I say vzctl as vee zee cee tee el.  Adding one extra letter and saying pee arr 
el cee tee el is no mental challenge.  prlctl is no more oddly named than a 
handful of other unix/linux commands we use on a daily basis.

You guys need to quit nit-picking every little thing because there are tons of 
hard-core technical things that are more important.  There will be plenty of 
time for nit-picking later.

The transition from SWsoft to Parallels to Odin and from OpenVZ to Virtuozzo 
has indeed been sloppy... but if you've paid even the slightest bit of 
attention to the IT industry, you'll see that it is littered with failures, 
buyouts, mergers and all kinds of product gene-splicing... and I think morphing 
of the product this mailing list is about hasn't been so bad over the almost 10 
years it has existed.

Now having said all of that, I do appreciate that you care enough to think 
about all of this stuff and give advice... but I imagine the folks making the 
decisions are a few levels above the employees reading your posts.  Perhaps 
they will be able to act on some of your suggestions but if not, don't suffer 
over it.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]
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