On 03.08.2015 17:09, Sergey Bronnikov wrote:

From source code point of view OpenVZ is an umbrella for OpenVZ legacy,
opensourced components from commercial Virtuozzo, CRIU
and other mini projects (like LibCT etc).

From people point of view OpenVZ is project which consolidates community,
opensource code for containers (mentioned above), and brand itself.

Virtuzzo 7 is a Linux distribution based on OpenVZ components targeted to
everyone who want to get free product with containers and KVM hypervisor from
Odin. You can use it even you don't want to pay to Odin.

Ok, but what is the difference between
free and open source version of Virtuzzo 7
and paid version of Virtuzzo 7 from Odin ?

This is need for ability to make decision:
Can we in future use open source Virtuozzo version,
or we need to buy commercial version of Virtuozzo
or we should migrate from OpenVZ to CentOS7.1+KVM.

Now - separation of features between open source
and commercial versions of Virtuozzo 7 is not clear.

As I already understand,
- is home page of commercial version of Virtuozzo,
I redirected to this page from site virtuozzo.com

But where is home page of open source version of Virtuozzo?
From virtuozzo.org and virtuozzo.net I also redirected
to page http://www.odin.com/products/virtuozzo/
with description of commercial version of PCS6,
which also named "Virtuozzo", but version 6.x

So we have three different things
with the same name "Virtuozzo":

1) "Virtuozzo 6" AKA "legacy Virtuozzo" AKA "PCS 6"
2) "Virtuozzo 7" AKA "commercial Virtuozzo 7"
3) "Virtuozzo 7" AKA "free/open source Virtuozzo 7"

As you can see, three different things,
all three with *one* name "Virtuozzo" - it is confusing.

And even more confusing, what all these three *different* things
have the same home page: http://www.odin.com/products/virtuozzo/
from virtuozzo.com and virtuozzo.org familiar product home pages.


Use one entry point - https://openvz.org if you use free and opensource 
and go to http://www.odin.com/products/virtuozzo/ if you pay for Virtuozzo
and want professional support from Odin.

Page https://openvz.org/Virtuozzo should be considered
as home page of "free/open source Virtuozzo 7" product,
regardless of virtuozzo.org and virtuozzo.net domain names,
which currently redirects to http://www.odin.com/products/virtuozzo/ ?

P.S. Yes, there is a bit mess with brands, but why you are aware about brands
not about product itself?

Because, for example, Red Hat now have two different products
and two different brands, "CentOS" and "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", which, however, created from the same source with minimal changes.

Also, NGINX INC company have two different products,
"NGINX Plus" - commercial version with paid support
and "nginx" - free and open source version.

Home pages also different:



At least it will be very familiar and useful to all nginx users,
both commercial and open source versions of Nginx / Nginx Plus.

As you probably know - many OpenVZ users are also nginx users,
and inversely: many nginx users are also OpenVZ users - also true.

Unexpected fact. Do you have proofs?

Only common sense.

Most OpenVZ containers usage - for VDS/VPS hosting providers.

Most VDS/VPS used for hosting web sites in the internet.

Most web sites are created using PHP.

Hosting providers have VDS/VPS with 256 MiB and 512 MiB RAM
and 0 MiB of swap. Using such VPS/VDS with httpd Apache
is practically impossible for any reasonable workload.

So, now it is only one possible variant:

use nginx + php-fpm for hosting web sites inside VDS/VPS
with limited amound of RAM.

Even for CT with 2 GiB or 4 GiB of RAM -
nginx + php-fpm still the best choice
for hosting sites created using PHP.


To minimize impact from old OpenVZ container suspend/resume bug
https://bugzilla.openvz.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2470 I create workaround
And as I can see - this workaround will be accepted in the nginx.

I hope you don't migrate bugzilla for OpenVZ to different site name,
for example, strange site https://bugs.openvz.org/browse/OVZ-5587
and hyperlinks inside nginx sources will be still valid in future.

Best regards,
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